Thursday, December 11, 2008

Delgo Review

Have you heard about this new movie coming out?


I got to watch a sneak peak trailer of this movie and I have to say that it seems pretty cool.
Normally, I am not much of a fantasy type of movie goer. But with the kids getting older they are drawn to more of these movies, so I have to preview them and I like many of them.

It is nice to escape into a fantasy world for a bit with the kids. It provides for much discussion later and more color to their already vivid imaginations.

As I watched the trailer and heard the voice actors commentaries, I was immediately drawn into the characters. Their faces are so strange at first glance but as I saw that they were developed after the actors whose voices they carry, I saw so much personality in them.

The story is one of a forgotten enemy, a forbidden love (who doesn't like a good ole' forbidden love story) and a fantastic adventure.

Jennifer Love Hewitt who does the voice of Lyla (Delgo's forbidden love) says the film reminds her of being in a painting.

The film releases December 12. You can check out the trailer and register for some prizes at

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