I have been a long time fan of these Parents Toys. I think they are perfect for little fat baby hands and the colors are so bright, but soft. I bought them for my kids as toddlers a lot. I especially love this phone and these keys for little ones.
Even though they didn't get the highest review - I love them. They keep them mucho busy in the back seat.
Team Mom just sent me this cool little camera. My kids actually did play with it a bit even though they are well beyond the age to enjoy this for too long. They want REAL cameras. So, they can take pictures of the inside of my van, the tops of the trees and each other's feet. Thank goodness for digital cameras.
Anyway, this little Look-at-Me Camera is perfect for a child 12 + months and retails for $9.99 at Target.
Parents.com is a great resource for moms and dads. I know that I lived for the Parents magazine to arrive each month when I was a new mom. It always has great advice from other real moms and then the advice from experts on any and every topic for your kids. The advice really helped me know what was normal and not so normal behavior for my child in his or her age group.
So, I loved when Parents came out with toys because they are age appropriate and are great for imaginary play.
Their philosophy, When the toy does less, the child does more really is something a mom can get excited about.
For more information about Parents toys check out Target.com and Parents.com.